Aluminium Casthouse Furnace Refractories

Bisley represent Gouda Refractories (The Netherlands) and can supply a complete refractory lining for Holding and Melting Furnaces. Provided with the basic furnace and performance parameters, Gouda will design a complete furnace lining.

In Europe, Gouda maintains a number of installation crews, who specialise in the lining of Casthouse Furnaces. Most years Gouda design, supply and install a Casthouse Furnace every week of the calendar year.

Outside Europe, Gouda can on request provide a suitable well qualified supervisor to oversee the installation of the monolithic refractory materials into the furnace lining. In the case where Gouda supplies the refractory materials and supervise the install, they will guarantee the life and performance of the furnace lining in service, however conditions apply.

Gouda’s supply range covers

  • Refractory Bricks (non-wetted by Molten aluminium)
  • Monolithic Linings (Castables)
  • Insulation Materials
  • Precast Shapes
  • Furnace Door Linings
  • Crucible Linings
  • Furnace Roof Materials

These are specially designed for the Casthouse Furnace application.

Bisley & Company can provide specific information regarding any aspect of refractory use into the Casthouse Furnaces, however our supply into Anode Baking Furnaces far outweigh that of the supply into the Casthouse Furnaces.

Any Refractory enquiries are welcome.

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